Body Image

Making it relevant: A codesign and cultural acceptability study of Be Real's BodyKind Ireland body image programme for older adolescents
Mahon C, Hamburger D, Yager Z, O'Dowd O, Webb JB and Fitzgerald A
Body image is an established public health concern and there is a pressing need for evidence-informed universal programmes for older adolescents. To ensure high standard, quality programmes, there have been calls to adapt existing programmes to different contexts in ways that ensure materials are relevant, but still aligned with their theoretical foundations. This study outlines the cultural adaptation of the BodyKind programme in Ireland, which was initially developed in the USA, to address an unmet need to provide an inclusive, strengths-focused, school-based body image intervention for older adolescents. After receiving BodyKind, codesign workshops were conducted with 12 adolescents aged 15-16 years, who provided feedback and designed content (examples/scenarios) to increase the programme's relevance for adolescents. Feedback on cultural appropriateness of programme materials were obtained via interviews with six female post-primary teachers and one mental health clinician. Qualitative data were analysed using thematic analysis. BodyKind was perceived as highly acceptable by stakeholders who offered suggestions for programme refinement. Themes included 1.) Programme acceptability, 2.) Implementation considerations, 3.) Programme refinement. This study used multi-stakeholder feedback to engage in cultural adaptation of BodyKind prior to further evaluation, thereby informing efforts to implement sustainable and scalable programmes in schools.
Body understanding measure for pregnancy scale (BUMPs): Cross-cultural adaptation and psychometric properties among Brazilian pregnant women
Salzer EB, Meireles JFF, Kirk E, Preston CEJ, Vasconcelos E Sá D and Neves CM
The Body Understanding Measure for Pregnancy Scale (BUMPs) is a scale developed and validated for British pregnant women to assess body satisfaction during pregnancy. The aim of this study was to perform a cross-cultural adaptation and verify the psychometric properties of BUMPs for Brazilian adult pregnant women. The cross-cultural adaptation was performed using translation, back-translation, expert committee, expert analysis, and pre-testing, which showed easy comprehension by pregnant women. Psychometric analyses were evaluated in a sample of 618 pregnant women (31.08 ± 4.94 years old). Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses resulted in 19 items and three factors, with satisfactory fit indices. BUMPs presented an invariant measurement across white vs. nonwhite women and across the three gestational trimesters. BUMPs showed good indicators of convergent, internal consistency, and test-retest reproducibility validity. It was concluded that the Brazilian version of BUMPs has adequate psychometric properties for Brazilian pregnant women, being an excellent instrument for analyzing body satisfaction in this population, facilitating additional investigations into these constructs.
Psychometric evaluation of a revised version of the body appreciation scale-2 for autistic adults (BAS-2A)
Longhurst P, Todd J, Aspell JE and Swami V
Emerging evidence points to unique conceptualisations of positive body image in autistic individuals. However, there are no existing measures of positive body image that have been developed or validated for use with autistic adults. To rectify this, we developed a revised version of the BAS-2 - the BAS-2A - and examined its factorial validity and psychometric properties in a sample of autistic adults from the United Kingdom. Based on the results of exploratory factor analysis and scale purification, we extracted a 12-item, unidimensional model of BAS-2A scores in a first split-subsample (n = 273). Confirmatory factor analysis supported the unidimensional model of BAS-2A scores in a second split-subsample (n = 277). BAS-2A scores presented adequate composite reliability, measurement invariance across gender identity, and patterns of construct validity. For both women and men, BAS-2A scores correlated positively with self-esteem, well-being, quality of life, and adaptive coping, and inversely with dietary restraint, weight/shape overvaluation, body dissatisfaction, and depression. Finally, BAS-2A scores demonstrated incremental validity, predicting self-esteem over-and-above body dissatisfaction. However, temporal stability of the BAS-2A over three weeks was not supported. These results support the BAS-2A as a psychometrically robust measure of body appreciation for use in autistic adults from the United Kingdom.
Exploration of parental consent for adolescent involvement in genital body image education research
Sharp G, Kellermann V, Mehta Y, Fernando AN and West ML
Genital body image is a highly understudied concept but is important for sexual health and broader body image satisfaction. Effective genital body image interventions for adolescents have been developed, however, parental consent can be a barrier to adolescent participation. The aim of this study was to conduct a novel exploration of parental consent for genital body image education research and factors related to this consent. Participants were 125 parents of adolescents in Australia who completed an online questionnaire including measures of demographic characteristics, personality traits and attitudes, and likelihood of consent for an adolescent son and daughter participating in hypothetical genital body image education research. The vast majority of parents indicated that they definitely would consent to their adolescent sons' and daughters' involvement in this hypothetical research. There was no significant difference in likelihood of consent based on the gender of the adolescent. Parents having more conservative attitudes towards sex was the only factor tested that reduced the likelihood of providing consent. Overall, our results suggest parents are generally supportive of adolescent involvement in genital body image education research. This concept should be included in broader body image educational programs so adolescents gain exposure to this important but neglected topic.
Adults diagnosed with gynecologic cancer and their relationship with their body: A study on the supportive role of yoga using interpretative phenomenological analysis
Price J and Brunet J
The purpose of this qualitative study was to explore the thoughts, feelings, attitudes, and perceptions of adults diagnosed with gynecologic cancer on their body, and the role of yoga in shaping these aspects. A phenomenological research design was used. Fifteen women (Mage=50.1 ± 13.5 years, range=28-66) who practice yoga at least once/week completed a sociodemographic survey online, two semi-structured interviews, and a 30-day journal online. Quantitative data were analysed using descriptive statistics. Qualitative data were analysed using interpretative phenomenological analysis. Participants' responses and the authors' interpretations were summarized into four main superordinate themes: (1) internal monologue of the changed body, (2) balancing act between acceptance and improvement, (3) value of taking time to prioritize oneself by practicing yoga, and (4) transformative catalysts of expectation and mindset on body-related self-perceptions after yoga. Body functionality and appearance, and their sexual health were often deeply interconnected, and impacted participants' self-perceptions and behaviours. Yoga was a vehicle for growth and acceptance; however, participants' expectations and mindsets before and during yoga could lead to negative self-perceptions after yoga. The findings underscore the importance of integrating yoga - a holistic practice - into survivorship care programs, while emphasizing the need to address expectations and attitudes that could hinder positive outcomes.
Two sides of the self-love coin: Self-compassion text-only posts and body positive photo-based content both positively affect body image
Sullivan EJ, Trammell JP and Harriger JA
Although body-positive content is associated with increased positive body image, concerns regarding the continued focus on appearance have emerged. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to examine whether self-compassion text-only content provided benefits beyond traditional photo-based body positivity content. Undergraduates (n = 283; 179 women, 104 men) were randomly assigned to view body positive photos, self-compassion text-only content, or architectural images (control condition). Participants assigned to both experimental conditions demonstrated a significant increase in measures of state body appreciation, state body satisfaction, and state self-compassion, however they did not differ significantly from each other. The self-compassion condition also differed significantly from the control condition. Trait appearance comparisons moderated the relationship between experimental condition and state body appreciation and state body satisfaction, and gender did not affect the relationship between condition and the outcome measures. Results of this study support the inclusion of body-positivity images and self-compassion text-only content in social media interventions for improving body image for men and women.
The impact of fitspiration comments on adult women's body dissatisfaction and negative affect
Stutts LA and Blomquist KK
The present study examined the impact of writing different types of comments in response to fitspiration (fitness inspiration) images on women's body dissatisfaction and negative affect. Women (N = 256) from the general population (age range: 18 to 49) were randomized to write one of three types of comments on the same fitspiration images: appearance (comment on the woman's appearance), functionality (comment on what the woman's body can do), or background (comment on the image background). Participants completed measures of state body dissatisfaction and negative affect pre- and post-exposure and measures of appearance comparison and functionality appreciation post-exposure. After controlling for pre-body dissatisfaction due to a baseline difference among groups, there was no difference among groups in body dissatisfaction at post-exposure. Negative affect decreased from pre- to post-exposure across all groups, but there was no difference by group or interaction by time and group. The background group reported lower state appearance comparison than the appearance group. There were no group differences in functionality appreciation. Our results suggest that commenting on image backgrounds might decrease appearance comparison relative to making appearance comments and that writing comments on appearance, functionality, or the background in response to fitspiration may be beneficial for mood.
Explaining the prospective paths from body appreciation to intuitive eating facets: Does body image flexibility serve as a mediator?
Behrend N, Webb JB and Warschburger P
Initial evidence suggests that body appreciation prospectively predicts intuitive eating. However, the limited number of longitudinal studies focused solely on girls and women, with a lack of evaluation among men. Furthermore, the underlying mechanisms explaining this relationship remain poorly understood. The present study examined whether body appreciation prospectively predicted intuitive eating facets among women and men in Germany. We also tested whether adaptive affect regulation skills (i.e., body image flexibility) mediated these relationships. We analyzed data from 1436 women and 704 men across three time points: Baseline (T1), 6-month (T2), and 12-month (T3) follow-up, using latent variable path models to assess direct and indirect effects. Among women, T1 body appreciation directly predicted T3 body-food choice congruence. Additionally, body appreciation indirectly predicted unconditional permission to eat, eating for physical rather than emotional reasons, and reliance on hunger and satiety cues at T3 via its effect on T2 body image flexibility. Among men, T1 body appreciation indirectly predicted T3 eating for physical rather than emotional reasons via T2 body image flexibility. Our findings suggest that body image flexibility plays a pivotal role in explaining why individuals who appreciate their bodies are more likely to eat intuitively.
Does a nature walk improve state body appreciation in children?
Czepczor-Bernat K, Modrzejewska J, Modrzejewska A, Bieńkowska I and Swami V
The available evidence suggests that exposure to natural environments promotes more positive body image, but to date this research has not considered impacts on children. To answer this question, we invited two groups of children in Poland - matched in terms of age (range = 6 to 12 years), gender identities, and racialised status - to go for a group walk in either a natural environment (n = 80) or a built environment (n = 81). Before and after the walks, participants were asked to complete an adapted, state version of the Body Appreciation Scale-2 for Children. The results of a mixed analysis of variance indicated that children who went for a walk in the natural environment reported a significant improvement to state body appreciation (d = 0.35), whereas those who went for a walk in the built environment did not (d = 0.04). The results also showed no significant impact of gender identity (girls vs. boys) or age (middle vs. late childhood) on this finding. These results show for the first time that nature exposure may help to improve body image outcomes in children, at least in the immediate term, which may prove beneficial for future interventionist work.
Enhancing inferences and conclusions in body image focused non-experimental research via a causal modelling approach: A tutorial
Aarsman SR, Greenwood CJ, Linardon J, Rodgers RF, Messer M, Jarman HK and Fuller-Tyszkiewicz M
Causal inference is often the goal of psychological research. However, most researchers refrain from drawing causal conclusions based on non-experimental evidence. Despite the challenges associated with producing causal evidence from non-experimental data, it is crucial to address causal questions directly rather than avoiding them. Here we provide a clear, non-technical overview of the fundamental concepts (including the counterfactual framework and related assumptions) and tools that permit causal inference in non-experimental data, intended as a starting point for readers unfamiliar with the literature. Certain tools, such as the target trial framework and causal diagrams, have been developed to assist with the identification and reduction of potential biases in study design and analysis and the interpretation of findings. We apply these concepts and tools to a motivating example from the body image field. We assert that more precise and detailed elucidation of the barriers to causal inference within one's study is arguably a key first step in the enhancement of non-experimental research and future intervention development and evaluation.
Embodying loving kindness: Examining self-compassionate writing tasks and body satisfaction among transgender and non-binary people
Watson LB, Michl TD, Randelman MF, Rowland A and Germain J
Using an experimental posttest-only control group design, the purpose of this study was to examine the effects of self-compassionate writing exercises on transgender and non-binary participants' body satisfaction, gender identity pride, and internalized transphobia. A total of 238 transgender people participated in this study (M = 28.27, SD = 8.12). Participants were randomly assigned to a self-compassionate writing task focusing on their gender identity, a self-compassionate writing task focusing on their body image as a transgender person (i.e., gendered body image), and a control condition, which required them to write about a neutral day in their lives. Results demonstrated that those in the gendered body image self-compassionate condition reported higher state-level effects of body satisfaction following the intervention than those in the control condition. No significant effects were observed for condition on state-level gender identity pride or internalized transphobia. Results also demonstrated that non-binary participants reported higher levels of gender identity pride than trans femme participants. Exploratory post-hoc analyses revealed that gender identity pride moderated the effect of condition on body satisfaction. Compared to those in the control condition, participants in the gendered body self-compassionate condition with moderate and high levels of gender identity pride reported higher levels of body satisfaction. Results demonstrate potential beneficial effects of brief self-compassionate writing exercises on transgender peoples' body satisfaction.
"I felt so powerful to have this love in me": A grounded theory analysis of the experiences of people living with and recovering from eating disorders while in diverse romantic relationships
Siegel JA, Mendoza RR, Tesselaar JM, DeJesus J, Elbe CI, Caravelli NS, Troy L, Fenton M, Victoria B, Herrera J and Blashill AJ
Romantic partners have the potential to influence attitudes and behaviors related to body image and disordered eating. However, the role that romantic relationships can play in eating disorder (ED) recovery has not been comprehensively investigated. The present study aimed to explore the ways that people living with and recovering from EDs experience their romantic relationships, with the specific objective of developing a novel theoretical framework, grounded in the experiences of people in diverse romantic relationships, to guide future research on the topic. Semi-structured individual interviews were conducted with 66 people (45 cisgender women, 11 cisgender men, 9 nonbinary people, and 1 transgender man) living with and recovering from EDs while in romantic relationships. Our grounded theory analysis yielded a theoretical model of ED management in romantic relationships, revealing that Individual and Relationship Characteristics intersected with Relationship-Related Stressors and were navigated using Eating Disorder and Relationship Management Strategies. Combined with Partner Support and Tensions, these management strategies were related to Relationship and Mental Health Outcomes, which affected and were affected by Future Concerns. Future researchers should continue to build on, expand, and modify this model and further explore the role of romantic relationships in the experience of people living with EDs.
Out of the loop: Taking a one-week break from social media leads to better self-esteem and body image among young women
Smith OE, Mills JS and Samson L
This study experimentally tested the effects of taking a one-week break from social media (SM) on body image and self-esteem among young women. Female undergraduate students (N = 66) were randomly assigned to either take a one-week break from SM or continue their normal use (control condition). State self-esteem and body satisfaction were measured at baseline (Time 1) and one week later (Time 2). As predicted, participants in the break condition reported higher body satisfaction and higher state self-esteem (total, performance, social, and appearance domains) at Time 2 than did those in the control condition, controlling for Time 1 scores. The benefits of taking a break from SM on body satisfaction were especially pronounced for women with higher baseline levels of thin-ideal internalization. The findings demonstrate the short-term benefits of taking a break from SM for one week on self-esteem and body image among young women.
#WhatIEatInADay: The effects of viewing food diary TikTok videos on young adults' body image and intent to diet
Drivas M, Reed OS and Berndt-Goke M
The rise of short-form video content has prompted research into its impact on body image; however, little remains known regarding the effects of exposure to food-related content of this type. The present study aimed to fill this gap in the literature by conducting a between-subjects experiment (N = 316) examining the effects of exposure to low-calorie versus high-calorie "What I Eat in A Day" food diary TikTok videos on young adults' body appreciation, body dissatisfaction, and diet intentions. Additionally, this study sought to explore how social comparison and mood might affect participants' responses to these videos. Results indicate that social comparison mediated the relationship between video type (low- vs high- calorie) and positive mood, such that low-calorie videos increased upward social comparison and decreased positive mood, and high-calorie videos increased downward social comparison and increased positive mood. Positive direct effects of positive mood on body appreciation and diet intentions occurred, and a negative direct effect on body dissatisfaction was found. Additionally, positive mood mediated the path from social comparison to diet intentions. These findings highlight the importance of further research into the nuanced impacts of food diary social media content on young adults' body image and behaviors.
A pre-post evaluation of the impact of the Embrace Kids film on children's and adults' body image and self-compassion
Granfield P, Kemps E and Prichard I
Given the prevalence of body dissatisfaction among young people, which tends to persist into adulthood, a need exists for large-scale interventions that address this problem. Film has been identified as a resource that is well-suited to large-scale dissemination, which can achieve broad impact and reach. Embrace Kids, a film aimed at improving young people's body image, is one such resource. To evaluate the film's impact on body image, 55 children (M = 10.59, SD = 1.49) and 47 adults (M = 43.75, SD = 8.54) were recruited from the Australian general public to complete a brief survey before and after viewing the film. After viewing the film, significant increases in state body appreciation, state functionality appreciation and state self-compassion were reported for children (d = 0.46 - 0.61) and adults (d = 0.88 - 1.08). They supported the safety of the film by indicating that it did not make them more concerned about their appearance. Findings provide initial support for the film as a scalable intervention that can be safely task-shifted to non-professional audiences. Future research directions include comparing the effect of Embrace Kids against a control film, and testing the longitudinal impact of the film on trait body image.
Testing for longitudinal bidirectional associations between self-compassion, self-criticism, and positive body image components
Linardon J, Moffitt R, Anderson C and Tylka TL
Previous cross-sectional studies have reported associations between self-compassion, self-criticism, and positive body image, yet prospective studies establishing the temporal order of these relationships are missing. The present study sought to clarify the nature of these associations by investigating possible longitudinal bi-directional links between self-compassion, self-criticism, and three components of positive body image (body appreciation, functionality appreciation, and body image flexibility). Data were analyzed from 2982 adult women who completed survey instruments at baseline (T0), four-month follow-up (T1), and eight-month follow-up (T2). Attrition rate ranged from 0-56% across time-points. Cross-lagged panel models were computed to test for bidirectional associations. We found evidence of reciprocal, negative associations between self-criticism and the three components of positive body image across the three time-points. We also found evidence that T0 self-compassion predicted increased body image flexibility and functionality appreciation at T1 (paths were non-significant from T1 to T2), whereas T0 body appreciation predicted increased T1 self-compassion (but was non-significant from T1 to T2). Findings suggest that compassionate and uncritical ways of responding to the self may be relevant precursors and outcomes to positive body image, depending on the timing of assessment, highlighting viable targets for intervention.
Sample characteristics for quantitative analyses in Body Image: Issues of generalisability
Pollet TV, Bovet J, Buhaenko R, Cornelissen PL and Tovée MJ
Psychological research frequently encounters criticism regarding the representativeness of the samples under study, highlighting concerns about the external validity of the obtained results. Here, we conducted a comprehensive survey of all the quantitative samples from the journal Body Image for 2021 (n = 149 samples). Our primary objective was to examine the extent to which the sampled populations deviated from the population at large, which could potentially compromise the generalizability of findings. We identified that a substantial number of these samples came from student populations (n = 44) and the majority were from the United States, United Kingdom, and Australia. Only a small number of samples (n = 9) employed direct measurements of body mass index (BMI), while the majority relied on self-reported data (n = 93). For a subset of samples in the journal, which were drawn from the general population, we compared whether these differed from population reference values in terms of age and BMI. Using Monte Carlo simulations, we found that samples tended to be younger and score lower on BMI than reference values obtained from the broader population. Samples drawn from female university students also tended to be lower on BMI than age-matched reference samples. We discuss the implications of our findings and make recommendations on sampling and inference. We conclude that a clearer specification of the parameters or conditions under which findings are expected to generalise has the potential to enhance the overall rigor and validity of this field of research.
Translation and validation of a Romanian version of the Breast Appreciation Scale (BrAS)
Swami V, Todd J, Lazarescu G, Bucur V and Vintilă M
The 9-item Breast Appreciation Scale (BrAS; Swami et al., 2022) is a recently developed instrument that assesses a woman's positive breasted experiences. To date, however, the psychometric properties of the BrAS have only been investigated in English-speaking women. Here, we report on the translation and validation of a novel, Romanian version of the BrAS. A total of 555 cisgender women from Romania completed a Romanian translation of the BrAS along with additional measures of body image and psychological well-being. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis identified a stable unidimensional model of the BrAS, with all nine items retained. Additionally, the Romanian BrAS evidenced complete invariance (i.e., through to latent mean invariance) across mothers and non-mothers, though mothers had higher observed scores than non-mothers. Evidence of convergent, concurrent, and incremental validity was very strong when based on observed BrAS scores, but slightly weaker when based on latent BrAS scores. In particular, greater latent breast appreciation was significantly associated with higher body appreciation, lower breast size dissatisfaction, and higher self-esteem. Overall, these results suggest that the psychometric properties of the Romanian BrAS are robust and that the instrument can be effectively deployed in this linguistic context.
Are diverse models really non-idealized? Investigating body positivity public feed posts of fashion and beauty brands on instagram
Konings F, Vranken I, Cingel DP, Vandenbosch L and Lenne O
Research increasingly explores body positive (BoPo) messaging and diverse model representation in advertising. Fashion and beauty brands are incorporating diverse models in traditional media to address criticisms of promoting narrow appearance ideals, yet their social media communications remain understudied. This content analytical study (n = 460 models, 16 brands) analyzes BoPo messages and diverse model representation in fashion and beauty brands' Instagram posts. Variations according to the brands' reputation, posts' framing, and posts' popularity were considered. Results showed that although diverse models appeared to be prominently featured in the brands' Instagram posts (71.50%; n = 329), the majority of these posts displayed only one aspect of diversity. Racial diversity was the most represented diversity trait (76.29%, n = 251), while body (32.80%, n = 151), facial (12.10%, n = 38), and generational diversity (22.50%, n = 73) were limited. The sexualization frame (88.70%, n = 408) prevailed over the empowerment frame (32.40%, n = 149). Positive changes were noted with the empowerment frame significantly relating to the representation of diverse models. Yet, this study also highlighted that such positive messages still co-occur with negative messages as an empowerment frame co-occurred with a highly prevalent sexualization frame.
"Be more positive and more kind to your own bodies": Adolescent and young adult preferences for how parents can support their children with weight-related pressures
Staviss R, Evans EW, Klar RL, Kale R, Staviss M, Lajaunie AM, Aulakh J and Sonneville KR
Body dissatisfaction is a key factor contributing to the development of disordered eating, and body dissatisfaction is often influenced by media, peer, and parental pressures during adolescence. Little research has explored ways in which parents can help their children manage pressures from social media and their peers. The present study used the MyVoice National Poll of Youth, a large text-message cohort of young people (14-24 years old) in the United States, to collect and examine qualitative data about their experiences with parental weight-related communication and how they think parents can best support their children regarding messages they see/hear surrounding weight, body shape and size by their peers and media sources. 801 participants responsed to at least one question. Results from the present study suggest that young people want their parents to model healthy relationships with food and their body, teach body neutrality/acceptance, and normalize all body types. Findings suggest that there are many proactive, practical approaches parents can adopt to help support their children and offset weight-related pressures from other sources.
Nature, urban, or treadmill: How walking environment impacts state body satisfaction and appreciation and the role of body sanctification
Harriger JA, Trammell JP and Krumrei-Mancuso EJ
This study examined the effects of walking environments on state body satisfaction and state body appreciation and the potential moderating role of body sanctification. Participants included 189 undergraduates from a private Christian University in the Southwestern US, randomly assigned to walk for 20-minutes in a natural, outdoors built, or indoors built environment. Participants completed measures of state body satisfaction and state body appreciation prior to and immediately following the walk. Those who walked in nature experienced increased state body satisfaction but not state body appreciation compared to those who walked in an indoor built environment. Theistic sanctification of the body was associated with greater state body appreciation and moderated the relationship between walking location and body appreciation. Participants who sanctified their bodies to a greater extent experienced increases in body appreciation when walking in a natural environment compared to an indoor built environment relative to those who were lower in body sanctification. Nontheistic sanctification of the body was associated with higher state body satisfaction and state body appreciation but did not moderate links between walking location and these outcomes. Overall, walking in nature is beneficial to body satisfaction and theistic sanctification of the body may bolster these effects.
Sexual objectification versus empowerment: Examining the effects of sexualized women's facial expression on viewers' evaluations of social cognition and self-objectification
Vendemia MA
Objectification scholarship highlights how traditional media portrayals oftentimes direct attention toward women's bodies and away from their faces which communicate important social information. This study sought to investigate how thin-ideal, white women's facial expression potentially attenuates the negative effects of appearing in a sexually objectifying manner using validated imagery. In a 2 × 3 between-subjects experiment (N = 1001 U.S. adult women; M = 42.56, SD = 12.72), portraits of women varied in their sexualization (non-sexualized vs. sexualized) and facial expression (neutral expression, low-intensity smiling, high-intensity smiling) to better understand how these factors influence dimensions of social cognition (competence, warmth, authenticity), self-promotional attributions, and viewers' own self-objectification. Results revealed that viewers rated sexualized (vs. non-sexualized) women lower in competence and authenticity, as well ascribed more self-promotional explanations for their behavior. Moreover, exposure to sexualized women heightened viewers' self-objectification, regardless of facial expression. Results also indicated that smiling intensity positively influenced viewers' ratings of social cognition. However, there is little evidence that smiling intensity overrides the negative effects of sexualization. Implications for the sexual objectification of women are discussed.
Integrating social media, body shame and psychological distress within the Elaborated Sociocultural Model
Kidd C, Loxton NJ, Uhlmann LR and Donovan CL
The Elaborated Sociocultural Model proposes exposure to sociocultural appearance pressures increases women's internalisation of the thin ideal, their engagement in social comparison and body surveillance, and subsequent body dissatisfaction and disturbances in eating (Fitzsimmons-Craft et al., 2011). Although this model has received some empirical support, it is limited in that it does not currently account for social media as a contemporary source of appearance pressure, nor include additional known outcomes of thin ideal internalisation (i.e., body shame, psychological distress). The current study tested the integration of these variables within the Elaborated Sociocultural Model. Using structural equation modelling with latent variables, the extended model provided acceptable to good fit to the data in a sample of 271 female participants. A latent variable representing sociocultural appearance pressures originating from social media, traditional media, family and peers was found to significantly predict thin ideal internalisation and body image concerns. Furthermore, both social comparison and body surveillance emerged as indirect mediators of the relationship between thin ideal internalisation and body image concerns, which in turn, increased report of restrained eating and psychological distress. Aligning with previous research, this extended model offers a useful and comprehensive framework for investigating women's body image.
The relationship between racial/ethnic identification and body ideal internalization, hair satisfaction, and skin tone satisfaction in black and black/white biracial women
Keigan J, De Los Santos B, Gaither SE and Walker DC
Eurocentric physical characteristics, including a thin, tall physique, long straight hair, and fair skin, typify Western beauty standards. Past research indicates that for Black women, greater identification with one's racial/ethnic culture may buffer against internalizing Eurocentric beauty standards, specifically the thin ideal. Black/White Biracial women often experience different appearance pressures from each of their racial identity's sociocultural appearance ideals. Unfortunately, body image research is limited among Bi/Multiracial individuals. Participants were recruited online via Prime Panels, a high-quality data recruitment service provided by CloudResearch. Participants, M(SD)= 34.64 (12.85), self-reported their racial/ethnic identification, thin and thick/curvy ideal internalization, and hair and skin tone satisfaction. Using linear regression analyses, we assessed whether racial/ethnic identification buffered against monoracial Black (n = 317) and Black/White Biracial (n = 254) women's thin ideal internalization. Additionally, we assessed whether stronger racial/ethnic identity was associated with stronger thick/curvy ideal internalization and hair and skin tone satisfaction. Supporting hypotheses, greater racial/ethnic identification was associated with higher thick/curvy ideal internalization and hair and skin tone satisfaction among both Black and Biracial women. Contrary to hypotheses, greater racial/ethnic identification was not associated with lower thin ideal internalization in either group. Our results stress the need to use racially and culturally sensitive measurements of body image.
Raising Confident Girls: A pragmatic school-based trial of a body image and parenting program for mothers of adolescent girls
Forbes J, Paxton S and Yager Z
This study evaluated Raising Confident Girls (RCG), delivered to mothers of Year 8 students (mean age 12.8-years) who were receiving the classroom-based Dove Confident Me (DCM) program. RCG is an interactive, multi-session intervention designed to improve body image in mothers in order to enhance their capacity to parent and role model this to their daughters. A pragmatic non-randomised controlled trial involved delivery of the program to mothers (n = 69) over three, 2-hour seminars in evenings, compared with a comparison group (n = 51). The study took place at an independent all-girls secondary school in Australia. Multilevel mixed modelling analyses compared pre- and post-test scores on standardized scales. Mothers who participated in the program had significantly higher scores on primary outcome variables of body esteem and body appreciation compared to the comparison group at post-test. Further, participation significantly improved mother's knowledge, confidence, and skills for parenting, and improved role modeling of positive body image. Mothers were well engaged, with low attrition rates, and rated the program highly. The RCG program was effective and engaging for mothers, offering deeper insight into improving parental engagement in body image interventions delivered within the school context.
The experiences of individuals with body dysmorphic disorder: A systematic review and thematic synthesis of qualitative research
Thomson K and Thompson AR
Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD) is a distressing psychological condition where an individual is preoccupied by a perceived issue with their appearance. Qualitative studies enable nuanced aspects of BDD phenomenology to be investigated. The current systematic review used thematic synthesis to integrate the findings from the extant qualitative studies. Searches were run on six databases to identify studies that had sought to describe the experience of individuals with BDD. PRISMA guidance was followed and ten articles were identified for inclusion. The quality of each article was appraised and thematic synthesis was conducted to generate novel and summative themes. Three superordinate themes were created: 'self-objectification and the view of self'; 'control and protecting the self'; and 'sociocultural influences and the impact of others in BDD'. Shame and self-disgust emerged as key experiential elements of BDD. The findings of the review suggest that self-objectification theory and possibly models of self-compassion are theoretically relevant to understanding the experience of individuals presenting with BDD. Current interventions may benefit from consideration of these theoretical models when seeking to improve efficacy.
Psychometric properties of a Mandarin Chinese version of the Body Appreciation Scale-2 among Chinese adolescents
Wu W, Li D, Zhou H, Wang K and Tylka TL
In the present study, we explored the factor structure and psychometric properties of the Mandarin Chinese BAS-2 among adolescents residing in the Chinese mainland. Exploratory factor analysis in Study 1 (N = 790; 396 girls, 394 boys) supported the unidimensionality of the Mandarin Chinese BAS-2 among Chinese adolescents. Internal consistency reliability was upheld via McDonald's omega. Convergent validity was supported by its moderate-to-strong relationships with body satisfaction, functionality satisfaction, self-esteem, life satisfaction, positive affect, and negative affect, while its small-to-moderate correlation with social desirability provided somewhat weaker discriminant validity support. Criterion-related validity was upheld by its inverse correlation with eating disorder symptomatology and positive correlation with intuitive eating. It explained unique variance in self-esteem (for girls and boys), eating disorder symptomatology (for girls), and intuitive eating (for boys) beyond age, body satisfaction, and functionality satisfaction, providing incremental validity evidence. A subsample of 134 girls and 114 boys completed the Mandarin Chinese BAS-2 again after three months, and test-retest reliability was upheld. The confirmatory factor analysis in Study 2 (N = 337; 192 girls, 145 boys) replicated the unidimensional structure and supported measurement invariance across gender. Collectively, the present study supported the unidimensionality, reliability, and validity of the Mandarin Chinese BAS-2's scores among Chinese adolescents.
The distinct affect regulation functions of body image flexibility and inflexibility: A prospective study in adolescents and emerging adults
Brichacek AL, Neill JT, Murray K, Rieger E and Watsford C
Body image flexibility and inflexibility are alternative ways of responding to body image threats. Affect regulation offers a framework for understanding how these responses impact health outcomes; however, research in young people is limited. This prospective study tested two potential affect regulation functions in adolescents and emerging adults (N = 351, 66.7% female) via online surveys completed five months apart. Specifically, body image flexibility and inflexibility were tested as (a) direct predictors of adaptive (body appreciation, intuitive eating) and maladaptive (muscle-building strategies, disordered eating) outcomes, and (b) moderators of the indirect effect of a social comparison threat via body appreciation. Results from hierarchical linear and conditional process models showed that body image flexibility and inflexibility served distinct affect regulation functions. Whereas body image inflexibility directly predicted adaptive and maladaptive body- and eating-related outcomes, body image flexibility protected against the negative effects of social comparison on intuitive eating via body appreciation. Findings suggest that adolescents and emerging adults could benefit from learning body image flexibility skills and reducing inflexibility to promote positive body image and prevent body- and eating-related disturbances. Future research should investigate how body image flexibility and inflexibility relate to other established threats and outcomes in diverse demographic groups.
Skin tone ideologies, body shame, and sexual risk in Latinx young adults: The role of self-esteem
Teran M, Stoto I, Ahn LH and Le TP
Latinx young adults in the U.S. experience significant disparities related to body image and sexual health. These challenges partly stem from the intersections of racism, ethnocentrism, and colorism perpetuated through Eurocentric beauty standards and norms surrounding sexuality. Despite the salience of skin tone within the Latinx community, the impact of skin tone ideologies on body shame and sexual risk remains unexplored. Addressing this gap, the present study examined the influence of skin tone ideologies (i.e., colorist attraction and skin tone self-concept) on sexual risk and body shame among a sample of 539 Latinx young adults. The study also explored the potential moderating effect of self-esteem on colorist attraction and skin tone self-concept on body shame and sexual risk. Results revealed that both colorist attraction and skin-tone self-concept were positively associated with body shame. Colorist attraction was positively associated with sexual risk, whereas skin tone self-concept was not associated. Furthermore, self-esteem moderated the positive significant association between skin tone self-concept and body shame, such that the association was only significant among Latinx young adults who reported mean and high levels of self-esteem; self-esteem did not moderate any of the other study's associations. These findings inform the development of tailored mental and sexual health interventions to reduce health disparities among Latinx young adults, considering the influence of skin tone socialization.
Factor structure and measurement invariance of the Body Appreciation Scale - 2 among Brazilian gender-expansive individuals and transgender men
Almeida M, Brown TA, Reis YP, Almeida LHR, Billman Miller MG, Denmark K, Lebron JC, Frietchen RE and Carvalho PHB
Among gender-expansive individuals and transgender men, body appreciation can play a protective role against minority stressors and is associated with gender euphoria. The Body Appreciation Scale (BAS-2; Tylka & Wood-Barcalow, 2015) is a leading measure of body appreciation that has been mainly validated in cisgender and mixed-gender samples; however, it has not been validated among Brazilian gender-expansive individuals and transgender men. Therefore, we evaluated the psychometric properties of the BAS-2 among adult Brazilian gender-expansive individuals and transgender men. Participants (158 gender-expansive individuals and 138 transgender men) were recruited through social media in Brazil. Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) supported the original 10-item, unidimensional solution. Multigroup CFA showed configural, metric, and scalar invariance of the BAS-2 between gender-expansive individuals and transgender men. Moreover, the BAS-2 demonstrated significant negative associations, ranging from small to large, with self-objectification, drive for muscularity, and appearance-ideal internalization. We also found good internal consistency and test-retest reliability of the measure. Taken together, our results support the psychometric properties of the BAS-2 among Brazilian gender-expansive individuals and transgender men. The present work offers a valuable contribution towards better understanding facets of positive body image across gender-expansive and transgender populations.